The European Economic Association, with the UniCredit Foundation, has awarded its Economics Job Market Best Paper Award to Guangbin Jeremy Hong. Hong is a student of the Department of Economics at the University of Toronto.
The award is open to all PhD candidates or graduates who plan to participate in the European Job Market for Economists in 2023-2024. Truly global in scope, the award is open to students of all nationalities enrolled at all universities. Of the ten papers recognized by the EEA’s Scientific Committee, Hong’s is the only one written at a Canadian university.
“I’ve had a lot of support from my committee and my colleagues here at UofT,” Hong said. “This award made me recognize just how many opportunities around the world my studies have offered me. It’s such an honour.”
The paper, Two-Sided Sorting of Workers and Firms: Implications for Spatial Inequality and Welfare, examines why both the best firms and the best workers choose to locate in big cities, a phenomenon Hong uses the term “co-locate” to describe. These location choices affect the aggregate productivity of the economy, and everyone’s economic well-being.