Publications, presentations, and public explanations. These three faculty activities influence and expand the teaching topics both graduate and undergraduate students encounter during their time at the University of Toronto. Members of the Department of Economics are always in demand and 2023 was no exception. While this review of 2023 is certainly not extensive, taken together the activities captured for each month reflect the diversity of Economics as it is practiced today, and the variety of interests individual faculty members choose to explore.
How can firms estimate consumer demand? Investigating this question with elaborations got the Department of Economics’ 2023 off to a strong start with the January release of Econometrics Journal 26 that contains Professor Victor Aguirregabiria’s paper “Dynamic demand for differentiated products with fixed-effects unobserved heterogeneity.”
Can Geography Explain Agricultural Productivity Differences Across Countries? In February Professor Diego Restuccia and his co-author Tasso Adamopoulos addressed the question in a VoxDev column outlining why “low agricultural productivity in developing countries is not destiny.” [Read more…]