The Thrive Guide is a new resource created for in-coming students enrolled in ECO101 & ECO102. Inspired by the comments past students have left on Reddit forums about their experiences, this series of articles honours their feelings and respects their right to honest self-expression. To infuse the online discussion with positivity, the Department of Economics has chosen to share all the (open) secrets to being successful in ECO101 and ECO102 through this guide. As a result, this is one of those posts you’ll want to bookmark so you can find it again later, once you’ve actually started the work and discovered what is required.
There are two parts to the guide.

The Thrive Guide: Managing ECO101 & ECO102 is a collection of tips from students and recent grads who have been where you are now. There’s also legit advice from professors, advisors and learning strategists who represent the teams who designed the curriculum, choose the various readings every semester, create new tests and exams each term and support students through it all.

The Thrive Guide: A to Z of Wellness & Self-Care at the University of Toronto is a starting point for finding out what is available in a friendly, simple manner. Don’t wait and see what else might turn up. If a resource sounds like something you might need, act on making an appointment immediately! U of T is a big place and there is a lot going on all the time. Many of the tools listed here lead to portals and search pages that are specific to social opportunities, academic assistance, or health resources where you can be more specific about what you want and need, when you need it.
Thank you for accepting the intellectual challenge this discipline offers to everyone who encounters it. Welcome to the Department of Economics at the University of Toronto. Your professors, TAs and administrative staff are all happy to have you here.