From all of us to all of you! Happy holidays. See you next year.
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Everything Economics at the University of Toronto
By Kate Baggott
By Kate Baggott
Corporate lobbying impacts innovation and overall productivity in the U.S. Nasir Hossein Dad and his co-author have built a quantitative model that shows how firms decide to invest in lobbying and research and development (R&D) to strategically grow. Dad, a PhD candidate with the Department of Economics, and his co-author, Duc Nguyen have found that lobbying might substitute for R&D, reducing firms’ incentive to innovate, or complement it by increasing returns on innovation, making the net effect uncertain. [Read more…]
By Kate Baggott
Professor Emeritus of the Department of Political Economy, John W.L. Winder was a pioneer in the field of Canadian econometric forecasting models. He died on October 23, 2024, at the age of 92 after having dedicated his life to his work, the University of Toronto, and St. Thomas Anglican Church, just 90 meters from the Department of Economics. The archives of the October 1962 Staff Bulletin outlined his first appointment as assistant professor of economics. Educated at both the University of Toronto and at the University of Chicago, the Bulletin said, Winder was with the Institute for Economic Research at Queen’s University, had business experience with A. V. Roe Canada Ltd., and the Toronto Daily Star. Immediately prior to joining the University of Toronto he had been on faculty at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph. [Read more…]
By Kate Baggott
Staff member Adriano De Oliveira Macedo is a culture of wellness champion at the Department of Economics. Since earning a certificate in the Science of Well-Being, he has been behind several initiatives designed to promote positive mental health habits and resilience building among members of the economics community at the University of Toronto. In March, he designed and implemented a weeklong program of micro-events centred around International Day of Happiness. These micro-events engaged students, staff, and faculty in brief, fun-filled activity moments in which they shared their positive mottos, shared chocolate, and learned more about turning evidence-based keys to happiness.
By Kate Baggott
What does the price of Triscuits over decades at one California grocery store say about macroeconomic conditions? What do civil servants and academic researchers need to do to retrofit microfiche readers to painstakingly digitize historical data? These details came to the fore when Professor Emi Nakamura delivered the 2024-25 C. Malim Harding Visiting Lectureship in Political Economy on 30 September 2024. Among the members of the audience were faculty of the Department of Economics, the Department of Political Science, graduate students, and members of the Harding family including his son Victor, daughter Debbie, and their spouses. [Read more…]
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