“It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” The adage perfectly describes Kat Lin Ji’s advice to current students.
Kat, who graduated from the University of Toronto with a double major in Economics and Actuarial Sciences in 2016 has been volunteering as an alumni mentor since just after her own commencement ceremony. While she didn’t start training as a marathoner until 2022, Kat’s approach to her career development, her sport, and to her community involvement are all shaped by her preference for a life that combines equal measures of discipline and adventure.
“They need to be they financially responsible and also, I suggest they keep to a disciplined living schedule where they do not abuse food, or abuse alcohol,” Kat explained during a recent interview. “Maybe it’s my personality, but I’d like to live a very disciplined life and I highly recommend it. It will help students to find a similar group of people.”
Stay flexible
Many of the students Kat mentors are living through the same experiences she had as a foreign student from China. Staying flexible and being open to fate are two qualities she emphasizes in every exchange.
“Students usually like to hear direct guidance about how to find a job, how to achieve a promotion and practical advice like that,” she said. “When I was a student, I also wanted that information! But now, I also pass along my experience of failure so that they will accept that the side of their own lives. Life is full of ups and downs, and we have to live with ourselves as we reconcile them.” [Read more…]