Gabriel Carroll is now Fellow of the Econometric Society. The honour was bestowed on the economics professor by the global organization of seven thousand members in eighty-five countries on October 10th, 2023. Founded in 1933, the society publishes Econometrica and Theoretical Economics, both considered among the best research journals in economics. Carroll’s research is the field of microeconomics with an interest in robustness and mechanism design.
“Truly international in nature and influence, the Econometric Society has done much to advance economic theory applied through statistical and mathematical models to help academics, policymakers and decision-makers better understand real world economic problems and highlight solutions,” said Professor Ettore Damiano, Chair of the Department of Economics. “The Department of Economics has a long history of faculty involvement with the Econometrics Society and the top-notch journals it publishes. We are proud to count Professor Carroll among its new fellows and extend our heartiest congratulations to Gabriel on this accomplishment.”
This most recent round of appointments created 29 Fellows from fourteen countries. Over the past 90 years, 89 Fellows – including twenty-nine who have served as the society’s president – have won the Nobel Prize in Economics.
“The Econometric Society plays an essential role in the academic economics profession and serves every one of us,” Carroll said of the appointment. “To be named a Fellow of the society is certainly an honor.”
Carroll hopes the award will benefit the Department of Economics as a whole.
“We compete with many peer departments to hire talented researchers and attract strong students,” he said. “UofT Economics is a diverse, energetic, and collegial group of scholars, and I hope I can do my small part to add to our international visibility.”
The Department of Economics at the University of Toronto has a long relationship with the Econometric Society. Professor Emeritus Martin Osbourne, himself an ES Fellow, was a member of the team that founded Theoretical Economics. He remained editor after the society assumed publication of the journal in 2008. The department still hosts Theoretical Economics on its servers. Professor Ismael Mourifié is a member of the regional steering committee for the society’s activities in Africa.
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