A roundup of changes in the department in the last year
Gabriel Carroll: Associate Professor. Joined us in January 2021 from Stanford University. Field: Microeconomic theory. |
Brian Marein: Assistant Professor. Joins us from the University of Colorado Boulder. Fields: Labour and development economics. |
Ismael Mourifié, granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor, effective July 1, 2021. | |
Michael Stepner: Assistant Professor. Joins us from MIT after a postdoc year at Harvard University. Fields: Public finance, health, social insurance. |
Karen Ugarte Bravo: Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream. Joins us from McMaster University. Fields: Econometrics, health economics, economic development. |
Tianyi Wang: Assistant Professor. Will join us in July 2022 from the University of Copenhagen Centre for Economic Behaviour and Inequality after completing a year’s postdoc at Princeton University’s Industrial Relations Section and Department of Economics. Fields: Political economy, economic history, health economics. |
Aaron Weisbrod: Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, UTM cross-appointed. Joins us from Brown University. Fields: Development, urban economics. |
Roman Zarate: Assistant Professor, UTM cross-appointed. From MIT and offically joined us in person in January 2021, after a postdoc year at the Institute on Behavior and Inequality. Fields: Economic development, labour economics. |